8/21/18 Page 66, 15 - 28 Show work that you did in spiral notebook.
8/22/18 Page 67 39 - 48 Explain answers where it is obvious you could have copied.
8/30/18 Pg 76 1-8, 9 - 37 odd Make sure you graph it to understand it.
9/4/18 Study for a quiz on all derivative types with chain rule. Quiz on limits as well.
9/6/18 Pg 146 1-24
9/10/18 Pg 136 11,12,13
9/12/18 Pg 136, 137 18 - 22
(Coming up for those gone Friday) 9/14 Pg 137, 138 23 - 25, 26b, 37, 38
9/18/18 Bring your log in to college board. Also, sign in and get the second question for the calculator required FR and bring that and any work you have done on it. Be familiar with question and have some questions about it.
9/20/18 If you didn't do the last assignment make sure to Log on to college board and print out a free response calculus question and give me the year and the answer. Make sure it is one you can do. Also, for everyone, do problems 7, 11, and 13 from the packet. Bring in the packet and don't write on it. Show work and the section with page numbers for explanation from the book for each of the three problems.
9/24/18 Packet problems 21, 25, 26 study for quiz on inverse trig function derivatives and the two definitions of derivatives using limits.
9/26/18 Finding Derivatives: Page 181, 1 - 15. Show all work in your notebook and skip lines between all problems. State what rules you are using.
10/1/18 From Packet answer question 2 a, b, c, d
10/3/18 From Packet, Graph the points on nice graph paper, include the table. Show how a midpoint Reimann sum is an estimate of the area under the curve of the integral of the derivative graph in this case. Show the intervals and the mid points of the intervals as well as the area of each rectangle. Also, give the estimate of the area under the curve from 0 to 6
10/9/18 Write a derivative example for each derivative rule on the front cover of the New Calculus book. Include functions that need the chain rule for evaluation when part of the rule.
10/11/18 Finish last assignment if you did not. Prepare your one derivative example with explanations and page with book as source. Make it nice to hang it.
10/15/18 Prepare the Integral of the same example that you used for derivative. Include the graph with shading over an interesting interval and show the notation with any change in sign of the shaded areas being added separately to show cancellation of area. Write the integral carefully on the paper with proper notation. Show the parenthesis used for the calculation of the area and the math involved. Make a final statement regarding what the sum of the areas between the graph and the x-axis equal.
10/19/18 Solve the 24 board examples of derivatives that match the derivative list on the inside panel of your book. Also, prepare for a short quiz on definite integrals.
10/23/18 Finish the first test I gave you in class.
10/25/18 Test on packets given in class next class.
10/28/18 Retake or finish the test if needed.
11/5/18 Do problems 9 - 20 on page 341 in your book.
11/7/18 Do problems 21 - 40 on page 341 in your book. Either use u substitution or just figure it out to get the antiderivative.
11/14/18 Page 359 15, 18, 21 - 29 Also, prepare for a quiz from problems on Page 341 9 - 20 and the homework assigned from page 359 15, 18 and 21-29
11/16 Pg 328 5 - 25
11/18 quiz on Problems from Pg 328 5-25 Make sure that you can do them all easily.
11/26 Do problems 43 - 48 from page 328. Graph nicely by hand with at least 10 points graphed for each graph. Then determine the area between the graph and the x-axis.
11/28 Be prepared for quiz on unit circle. Get 12 problems that you make, 3 csc(x) problems one to be a arccsc prob Make 3 tan(x) one of them an arctan prob. Make 3 cot(x) probs one of them arccot Make three sec(x) probs, one of them arcsec(x)
12/4/18 Finish all 2 a - d problems assigned on worksheet FR materials.
12/6/18 Page 272 questions 11 - 27.
12/10/18 Page 194 5-8, 11,12,13
12/12/18 Page 194 #'s 14, 15, 16
1/7/19 2015 Exam: 22 -28
1/9/19 exam packet B calc allowed 1-10 or 10 problems you can do.
1/11/19 problems 1 - 20 finished with work shown on exam practice packet.
2/5/19 Page 282 Blue Calc book, derivatives and integrals quiz on basic integration rules. Also, bring in your three ring binder for note section check.
2/7/19 Page 287 1 - 44
2/11/19 Page 288 49-57
2/19/19 Page 312,313 1-46 all
2/21/19 Page 328 7-38 all
2/25/19 Do ten problems of your choice from page 341 31 -52
2/27/19 Quiz on 5 of the 31 - 46 problems.
3/1/19 Page 351 1 - 20
3/5/19 Try to solve the FR problems 3 - 6 without calculator given in class. Spend no more than an hour but try to understand each of them to the point of your best ability.
3/7/19 Use the solutions to the FR 3-6 problems to prepare for a quiz. Your questions will be graded the same way that FR questions will be graded on the real exam.
3/11/19 Two problems from FR calculator required, 2 probs, 14
3/13 FR packet 2 wcalc 13
3/15 FR packet 4 w/out calc 14
3/19 FR packet 2 wcalc 15
3/21 FR 3-6 Get each of them started. Will finish in class. No calc. 16
3/27 Fr 5, 6 New Book Page 330 91-96
3/29 New Book, page 425 1-10
4/4/19 427 55-58 , 61,62 For Break. Please get better, G. Don't worry about the work if you are not feeling well. Th0se here will do their packet as well. Quiz on problem 57 page 427.
4/17/19 Packet 2016 MC No Calc 1-25 Quiz on one from 1-13 and on 14-25. I'll choose easy ones.