8/27/18 Pg S.10 Lesson 2 #3 a - J. Do it the best way you can. Not expected to be able to get it right without help. Do not do more than one half hour on this assignment
8/28/18 Pg S.5 Do problems 1, 3, 5, 6
8/30/18 Pg S.10 tabular method F,G,H,J Pg S.13 #5
9/4/18 P S.20 1,2,3,4,5, 7 Quiz next class will be Lesson 4 exit ticket from lesson 4 teacher resources.
9/6/18 P s.22 and s.23 1-15
9/10/18 P s.26 21 and 22
9/12/18 P s.27 all.
9/14/18 P s.33, s.34 all
9/17/18 Study for test using the packet given to you. Make sure to carefully evaluate each problem.
9/20/18 P s.36 2 and 3 If you don't know how to do it check the teacher version of the module on
9/24/18 p s.53 1 - 3
9/26/18 P s.54 all
10/1/18 P s.56 all
10/3/18 P s.95 4-9 s.96 all problems in the boxes. Quiz next class. You will be given 1 problem from s.95 and 5 problems from s.96.
10/9/18 P s.97 all s.98 1 a and b , 2 a and b
10/11/18 P s.49 #'s 3 - 6, extra credit s.49 # 10
10/15/18 P s.62 1-3 Use to list all zeros for each equation.
10/18/18 P s. 112 P s. 113 #1 and #2 Boo
10/19/18 P s 122 #2 a - l
10/26/28 Study for Test: The problems come from the following pages and problems. Page S.25 18,19 S.28 b,c S.49 #5 a,d,g,c s.58 2,4,9 S.96 5 of the problems in the boxes. The last one is one of them and the first one in the second row is one of them. S.113 b,g,K,m S.122 b,c,i S.128 #2 b,d,h,k
10/30/18 Pg 130-132, do your best, they don't have to be right.
10/31/18 S 133 J,K,L
11/5/18 S 135, 136 Show all work for the word problems and be able to explain it to the class.
11/7/18 S 140 , s 141 8-10 also choose one problem from problems 1 - 6 on page s 140 Do either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6. Just do one of them. Get it? But, you still have to do 8 - 10.
11/14/18 Homework S 151 1-10 Quiz on two of these.
11/16/18 Homework s 152,153,154 all 4 problems.
11/18/18 Practice one problem that involves solving 3 equations in three variables but do not use a calculator. Try one of the problems from page s156. This is just for fun.
11/26/18 Page s.215 M1 problems 3-8 show all a's, b's and c's Put them into the quadratic formula, Tell whether there is 1 real, 2 real or 2 complex solutions.
11/30/18 Page S23 - s26 all Module 2
12/4/18 Page S 27 Module 2 Fill in chart. Extension page s 28 chart
12/10/18 Page S 33 and S 34 Module 2
12/12/18 Page s 40 answer questions carefully. Quiz next class on up to s 40
12/14/18 Finish lesson 6 and have it ready.
1/3/19 Lesson 7 up through page s 56
1/7/19 Lesson 9 Page 71 and 72
1/9/19 S89 to S92 graphing sin(x) transformations.
1/11/19 2 more sin(x) transformations graphed on desmos sheet by hand.
1/27/19 S 57 Learn the terms and you will be taking a matching quiz about them.
2/9/18 Module 4, lesson 30 s209, s210 go to the sites and answer the questions.
2/13/19 Module 3, Pg s6 and s7 4 - 11 Also, quiz on rules in box on page s5
2/19/19 Module 3, S14 all show work in notebook.
2/21/19 Module 3, s20-s23
2/25/19 Module 3 s29, s30 1-5 and study for quiz from box on page 29
2/27/19 s33 number 2 and s43 a - g
3/1/19 s76 7,8
3/5/19 s79 4,5
3/7/19 s80, s81 10 - 16 look at answers for 16
3/11/19 Study for Quiz, UH HUH
3/13/19 S92 and s93 choose 3 problems.
3/15/19 s95 1-4L
3/19/19 s95 4m - 4x
3/21/19 factoring quadratics with larger leading coefficients.
3/27/19 create 5 factorable quadratics of your own making with two parenthesis with single digit numbers in all four spots. Use numbers bigger than 4 in all spots, example. Foil and make sure that you have a correct quadratic equation equivalent to the product of the two binomials or factor these five.
25x^2 -50x+16
36x^2 +43x -35
4x^2 -28x + 45
10x^2 +17x - 63
12x^2 - 13x -35
4/2/19 Page s107 choose 3 of the 6 problems.
4/23/19 M4 s20, s21
4/29/19 M4 s22 - s31 6ab
5/3/19 M4 s31 - s35
5/7/19 M4 s36 - s45 Lesson 5
5/9/19 M4 Lesson 6 do all with chart or venn diagram
5/13/19 M4 Lesson 7
5/21/19 M4 Lesson 8 memorize the unit circle and know the rules for quadratic equations.
5/27/19 M4 Lesson 9 must be finished, last lesson. Then review.